In an attempt to orient myself and my colleagues with GWT, I've been reading up on GWT, trying things out, and blogging about them here. My goal is to start with simple use cases and build on to them with more complex ones. The way it's been working so far is that each post builds on the prior one.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The upcoming set of posts are intended to discuss approaches for designing and developing interactive web pages using GWT (Google Web Toolkit). Most of this information is simply rehashed from various sources, but I’m rehashing again since 1) I didn’t see this all in one place and 2) the rehashing process gives me a better understanding of what is going on anyway.

The following are resources I used as I researched this:
    Test driven development for GWT UI code
    Google Web Toolkit Architecture: Best Practices For Architecting Your GWT App
    EasyMock Documentation
    Passive View
Google Web Toolkit – Hosted vs. Web Mode


  1. What a nice blog! :) I am myself trying to get my head around best GWT practices, and your texts are very helpful. But I am still struggling to see how more hierarchic GWT applications are best structured... and am also a bit confused about the different java libs out there like gwt-presenter, gwt-dispatc, gwt-mvp... do you by any chance have any plans on writing about those? :) Cheers, Stine

  2. Hi stinesplace,

    Good question. I've been looking at the other libs and have been torn on how much or little I want to embrace them. I'm a little nervous about how much support they'll get for enhancements/bug-fixes so I'm leaning more toward trying to understand why they did what they did and using the pieces that are relevant to my project(s). As far as gwt-presenter and gwt-dispatch go, I did find this great blog...

